the empress tarot painting course - desiree east - festival of feminine power and artistry
the empress painting course with desiree east - festival of feminine power and artistry - creatively fit coach

 The Empress Tarot Painting Course

Sacred symbols and intentions are infused in the layers of this painting of The Empress. She is of the earth, her hair represents ocean waves and abundance. You can see her immersed in Gaia energy, her crown of 12 stars signifying the zodiac and her connection with the heavens, and also representative of the Virgin Mary.

The Empress: A Creatix. Mother. Sister. Wife. She’s all about nurturing love, beauty, creativity, and abundance.

Join me in my studio for a step-by-step lesson on my creative process, including the steps of how to paint a portrait!!

No art experience is needed! The beauty of intuitive painting is that you get to create what comes to you at any given moment, connecting with your heart and interpretation of the world around and within you.

The Empress Tarot Painting Course
One time

This lesson was released as part of The Festival of Feminine Power & Artistry and is now available as a stand-alone class. Create a painting inspired by The Empress archetype from Tarot decks. You will create a painting using sacred symbols while applying layers of intention with acrylic paints. No art experience is needed! I will guide you step-by-step through my creative process, including how to paint a portrait. See you on the inside!

✓ Instant Access to Video Lessons
✓ Self-Study Online Course
✓ Lifetime Access

Desiree East is a Soulful Entrepreneur, Certified Master Transformational Coach, Creativity Coach and Visual Artist. Desiree facilitates live creative workshops and retreats, as well as, online art programs focused on personal and professional development. She inspires her clients to create meaningful change in their lives through creative ritual, using art-making as a modality for creative wellness and deep transformation (no art experience required).

All images, illustrations, and artwork on this site are copyright © Desiree East unless otherwise noted, and may not be edited, reproduced or sold by any party without written permission. You may have permission to distribute and share posted articles and content, although credit would be greatly appreciated. If you would like to purchase or license any images, illustrations, or artwork, please contact Desirée East directly for more info.

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