GIVEAWAY: participate for a chance to win a year's subscription to SURFER'S JOURNAL or an iTunes gift card
participate for a chance to win a year's subscription to surfers journal
One good deed deserves another, and while we are all trying to start 2011 off with a positive start, I'd like to start by giving praise to a certain group of talented artists that inspire me in more ways than one. In celebration of the upcoming 26th annual Santa Barbara International Film Festival (SBIFF), I'd like to honor the filmmakers that bring the culture of surfing to the world. Their creativity and hard work behind the camera translates into entertaining story-telling that both surfers and non-surfers can appreciate.
"BUT, wait a do I win one of those cool gifts?" you ask?
You see, this is how I bribe my young art students to say positive things about their fellow artists when we do our little mini art show/critique at the end of the day.
As we gather around to look at each other's art from different angles, we learn end up learning valuable things from one another, and everyone goes home a little more inspired and enlightened with a new perspective on things.
participate to win a gift card to itunes
Sometimes, my students receive a little reward for doing such a fantastic job. The only difference is that, instead of going home with a pencil, eraser and scratch 'n sniff stickers, YOU have a chance to be rewarded with one of these (way more awesome) gifts:
one yearly subscription to Surfer's Journal
OR a $50 gift card to iTunes
In the next few days, I will be featuring the surf films that have been officially selected for the Santa Barbara International Film Festival. If I have an opportunity to chat with any of the filmmakers, I will definitely pass on any words of wisdom they have to share that might be of value for other surfers, artists and aspiring filmmakers.
1. VIEW the FEATURED ARTISTS' movie trailers (listed below).
2. LEAVE A COMMENT under related featured article and provide feedback, some love, kudos, whatever you want to call it, to show support for our wonderful filmmakers.
Between now and the end of the competition every post that you make will be an ‘ENTRY’ into the competition. If you post 1 time, that's 1 entry, if you post 10 times, that’s 10 entries.
Your posts need to be genuine. Spam will not be tolerated and comments will be moderated, so please stay on topic, and be polite. Be sure check the box "Subscribe to this site by email" below the comment box to receive notices of updated articles by me.
Desi's FEATURED ARTISTS (click below to view trailer and leave comment):
THE WESTSIDERS by Joshua Pomer
STOKED & BROKE by Cyrus Sutton
WAY of THE OCEAN by Matt Kleiner
The STILL POINT by Taki Bibelas
Contest will run for one week starting on Sunday, January 16th, 2011.
Contest closes on Sunday, January 23, 2011 at midnite (Pacific Standard Time).
Winner will be selected at random.
Winner will be announced after Tuesday, January 25th and notified through the email you leave on the comment.
Remember every post you make before now and January 23, 2011 will put you in the running to win.
GOOD LUCK everyone, have fun, and see you out in the water or at the cinema! xo-desi