kissed with new year's bliss


Happy New Year everyone!! I am just getting into the swing of things after the holidays, and WOW... so much is already happening. It seems like I don't even know what day it is, lately --- why is that? I am very close to finishing my brand-spanking new website - hopefully, by this weekend - so, stay tuned!

And I was just interviewed yesterday, by Whitney Ferre about The Purpose Project 2013, the meaning of 'Dharma', and my journey that led to creative coaching. It was the first online video interview I've done, but it was so much fun, and I love that know, when you feel like you can just go on and on for hours? It's like that. So much inspiration to be shared!

The Purpose Project starts on the 15th, and it is a year-long online creative journey, led by a team of life and creative coaches...I have been invited to be part of the team as a creative coach (as I quietly celebrate, giddy with excitement, in my chair at the moment - with no one in the room but me and my sidekick, Moana - cyber *high five*). I would LOVE to see you there!

Please click the link below to get a personal invitation from me and details about The Purpose Project 2013.

*SPOILER ALERT* when you click below, you will also get a sneak peek of the new design for the new website...can't wait to share it with you *UPDATE* It's here, it's here - can you see the changes? Looking forward to connecting and celebrating a genuine, warm year filled with creative goodness, beautiful life-lessons, and meaningful self-expression...ready to play?

YES, please sign me up for updates on upcoming creative sessions with Desiree East!


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