Book an Appointment

Clarity. Confidence. Creative Flow.

Transformational Life + Business Coaching sessions for Creative Professionals at the Mastery Level.

Gain deeper clarity with your life + soul's purpose while taking aligned action toward success. These private coaching sessions are done via telephone or online via Zoom.

Ready to Dive Deep and Take Aligned Action?

Coaching sessions are 60-90 minutes each we will meet virtually online via Zoom or phone. I will have you fill out a worksheet/questionnaire before our first appointment, so that I have an idea of what areas in your life you’d like to focus on. For each session, you will walk away with positive affirmations that you could record in your journal, as well as, empowering and aligned action steps to take for the week.

We will explore your core desires (as well as, any creative blocks you may have), and explore the steps you could take toward fulfilling those desires.

To truly benefit from the coaching sessions, we will take a deeper look into what obstacles and struggles are preventing you from following your desires, identifying limiting beliefs, and allowing yourself to receive the things you want in your life. It also includes taking action, moving forward, and finding a support network to help you with accountability and follow-through. As part of the client/coaching agreement and for your success, it is recommended that coaching sessions be scheduled within 90 days from start of program.

If you are feeling overwhelmed, confused or stuck, my job during these coaching sessions is to help you clearly identify where you need help in specific areas and help you move forward past the fears and doubts by gaining focus, clarity, and taking empowered action. And, of course, I talk about how tapping into your creativity could help you with these things in a FUN and engaging way.

I look forward to working with you soon!!

Much Love and Creative Bliss,
